Doctors Choice EAA (Essential Amino Acids)

Doctors Choice EAA (Essential Amino Acids)

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Doctors Choice EAA provides a massive dose of 8.5 grams of EAA which is an ideal amount to promote muscle growth and maintain good health. It can also help to increase energy levels and reduce fatigue. This formula also provides essential electrolytes such as potassium to help maintain a healthy body.
Doctors Choice EAA contains fermented BCAAs with a proven ratio of 2:1:1 i.e. Leucine to Isoleucine to Valine to help support endurance, recovery, and the development and maintenance of muscle mass.
The electrolyte blend contains a blend of sodium, magnesium, calcium, chloride, and potassium to help support hydration and replenish electrolytes after strenuous activity. It also helps to reduce tiredness and fatigue so that you can do more of what you enjoy!
Every gram of sugar offers about 4 calories. If you want to lose weight and keep it off, you need to make sure that you aren’t eating too many calories that you don’t need.
This supplement is completely calorie-free, so you can take it every day without having to worry about gaining any weight!
It is recommended that one scoop of Doctor’s Choice EAA should be mixed with 300 to 400 ml of water and consumed during/after exercise for best results and to maintain optimal amino acid levels.

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